Vanlife Tech - Our top 10 Tech Van Gadgets for Campervan | Motorhome

Our top 10 Tech Van Gadgets for Campervan | Motorhome

 hi in this blog I'm gonna share our top than life tech gadgets for some of these there were more detailed blog coming in the future but here's a quick one down at the top 10 tech we just couldn't do without keep up to date by hitting

          1}Top Tech Van Gadget Wi-Fi booster


                       so now for you video external directional antenna and Wi-Fi receiver and an alpha our 36 meter this lets us pick up Wi-Fi hotspots from a lot further away and rebroadcast them in our own van so that we can keep connected to network most of the time 

          2}Top Tech Van Gadget MIFI


                       second on the list is also Internet related it's a who I see five five seven three CS Wi-Fi as you see it's a really small compact unit battery at plenty of battery power we can even put it outside and still get the signal inside if we need it and we use it with two different SIM cards we use it with a three network 12 gigabyte card which lasts for 12 months so we can dip in and out and use data as we want to but if we know we're going to be using it intensively for a month we get we have a gift gap unlimited card which 425 pounds gives us unlimited access

           3}Top Tech Van Gadget Android tablet 


                       number three is that permanent Android tablet this here on the wall and on there we have spotify premium all our music is on there we have a bluetooth speaker which we connect it to it also lets us connect to BBC iPlayer and we can download from it and it also links to our CCTV system so we just couldn't really do without it

            4}Top Tech Van Gadget SAT TV


                       fourth on our list this for us satellite TV we've got a max view crank up dish with a dual LMB and that links to a huh max HDR 1100 s satellite tuner it's got two tuners it's got one terabyte of recording capacity it lets us connect to netflix i player i TV herb and all of the other catch-up programs it's been great for us we have it linked to both the screen in the back and also a screen in the front and both of those letters njoy the telly wherever we want

             5}Top Tech Van Gadget security alarm and tracker system


                      a security alarm and tracker system for obvious reasons I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about this but our alarm system covers internal movements it covers all the doors it covers tilting it's got an internal and external sounder it triggers the awning light to flash when it goes off but it also triggers it it's a courtesy lights help you get in and out when you switch the alarm on and off the alarm links to our tracker system which means that if the alarm goes off and we're not around it sends a text or calls our phone and the tracker system also lets us send geofence sets geofences and do live tracking in historic tracking of the van so we actually use this a lot I would sort of our videos to show the routes that we've taken it's also really nice on trips to be able to see where we went on when

              6} Top Tech Van Gadget Tow way Redio


                     ok number 6 on our list isn't really modern tech but it's Technol s it's some PMR radios and so we use baofeng bf triple Eight's SS in the van we use them with the kids we use them when we're out on activities it just means if you can't get a mobile signal while you're just looking for a quick message ooh the way that I've messed around with a mobile phone these are really cheap and pretty much disposable in the UK you can get them for less than 10 pounds each they've got a great battery life they're really easy to use you do need a license to program them for license frequencies and you do need to be able to program them we have a simple UK Lite license which is 85 pounds for five years but I'm also a licensed amateur radio user so I can program them for some wider frequencies and but we do find these really really useful

             7}Top Tech Van Gadget Cameras


                     so our number seven is a bit of a catch-all and it's cameras we've got a lot of cameras on the van for CCTV purposes for helping when manoeuvring obviously because it's security related I'm not going to go into a lot of detail again with this one but it does mean we have recordings we can access them remotely using the Wi-Fi or the Wi-Fi unit depending on how it we're connected so if we're away from the van and we get a notification that the alarms going off we can remotely have a look at the van and have a look all the way around it some of those cameras are overt and you can see them and some of them are hidden and you can't so it's really beneficial the reversing camera for me is an absolute requirement we've got a dual one that looks straight back and can look straight down and for maneuvering into tight spaces really couldn't do without that

               8}Top Tech Van Gadget DAB RADIO


                     number eight on our list is an addition it's a dab radio it's a tiny unit that links to the existing stereo in the van it's made by first e and they could market it as a five in one unit so it's a da B receiver which lets us get all our digital radio channels it's also an FM transmitter now we've got a auxilary in on our radio so we don't need to use that if you haven't got one it's very good at transmitting I have tried it on to the frequency of the radio so you can connect listen to it that way it's also a Bluetooth receiver so if you want to play music from your phone you can do it through that you can use its hands-free kit for your phone and you can also put a microSD with music on it into the unit and play from there it's not expensive it's really easy to use the internal antenna I found a little bit fiddly so we put an external antenna on it and the signal has been absolutely superb so if you listen to a lot of music if you want to listen to wireless radio stations that are normal analog radio you've got in the van absolute great edition

                9}Top Tech Van Gadget SOLAR POWER


                    so number nine is our solar system really all our other gadgets rely on our solar system we could not manage without it we've got a two hundred and eighty watts and monocrystalline panel that feeds into our 30 amp pwm controller it's linked to a remote monitor so we can see exactly what's happening and we've got a two hundred two thousand watt inverter it keeps everything running really well even with the lack of sunshine we have sometimes in the UK we're always well upon power on our batteries even though we've got loads of gadgets we mean

                 10}Top Tech Van Gadget Color Changing LED Lights


                    and finally number Ted is a bit of fun so we fitted color changing LED lights into our roof light so it means we can have different mood lighting we can have a fun mood lighting where it fades from one color to the other it's actually we've used it when we need to have the doors open and we want to put the flyscreen on if you put a red light on it's supposed to be less attracted to bugs and don't know for sure that works but it does seem to and it's just really nice to have the option to change the lighting in the van most of the other lighting is it is white so it's just a bit of a bit of fun and a bit of special but the kids like it and it's quite nice to be able to change things up every now and again so that's our top 10 tech gadgets hope you found it useful and how

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